Full & Partial Dentures 

In Lakewood, CO

What Are Dentures?

Here’s everything you need to know about dentures in Lakewood, Colorado.

Dentures are custom-made dental appliances used to replace missing teeth and the surrounding oral tissues. They come in two main types: full dentures and partial dentures. Full dentures replace all teeth in the upper or lower jaw, while partial dentures replace only a few missing teeth and clasp onto existing teeth for support.

Dentures are typically made from acrylic, metal, or a combination of both materials. They're crafted to fit comfortably in the mouth and restore oral functions like chewing and speaking. Dentures not only improve physical functionality but also enhance facial appearance and self-confidence by filling in gaps left by missing teeth. Regular maintenance and adjustments ensure their effectiveness in supporting proper dental health.

What Type of Dentures Would I Need?

Here are the reasons you might need full or partial dentures.

Partial Dentures

Partial dentures might be necessary when you have a few missing teeth but still retain some natural teeth. This situation can lead to issues like difficulty chewing, speech problems, and potential shifts in the alignment of remaining teeth. Partial dentures help restore oral functionality by filling gaps, improving chewing efficiency and speech clarity. They also prevent adjacent teeth from moving into the empty spaces. If left untreated, these issues could lead to further dental problems. Partial dentures are customized to fit comfortably in your mouth, clasping onto existing teeth for support. Your dentist will assess your specific needs to determine if partial dentures are the right solution for you.

Full Dentures

Full dentures become necessary when you have lost all of your natural teeth in either your upper jaw, lower jaw, or both. This tooth loss can result from factors like decay, gum disease, or injury. Without teeth, daily activities such as eating and speaking can become challenging, and facial muscles may sag, affecting appearance. Full dentures restore oral functions, improve speech clarity, and support facial structure. They are custom-made to fit comfortably in your mouth and mimic the appearance of natural teeth and gums. If you've lost all your teeth, consult a dentist to discuss whether full dentures are the appropriate solution to enhance your quality of life and dental health.

What is the Process of Getting Dentures?

Most Lakewood, Colorado dentists will follow these steps.

  • Initial Consultation: Your journey with dentures begins with a consultation with your dentist. They will examine your oral health, take X-rays, and discuss your specific needs and preferences.
  • Impression Taking: During the next visit, your dentist will take impressions of your gums and any remaining teeth. These impressions help create accurate models of your mouth's shape and structure.
  • Model Creation: Based on the impressions, a dental lab creates precise models of your upper and lower jaws. These models serve as a foundation for designing your dentures.
  • Wax Try-In: Using the models, the dental lab makes a wax setup of your dentures. This wax setup allows you to "try on" the dentures in their preliminary form. You can assess the fit, appearance, and bite at this stage.
  • Denture Fabrication: After adjustments are made based on the wax try-in, the final dentures are crafted. The artificial teeth are set in a gum-colored base made from acrylic or other materials chosen for durability and natural appearance.
  • Final Fitting: Once the dentures are ready, you'll have a final fitting appointment. Your dentist ensures that the fit, bite, and appearance are satisfactory. Minor adjustments may be made to ensure comfort.
  • Placement and Instructions: Your dentist will guide you on how to insert and remove the dentures properly. They'll also provide instructions on how to clean and care for them. It's essential to follow these instructions to maintain oral health.
  • Adjustment Period: Getting used to dentures takes time. You might initially experience some discomfort or difficulty speaking and eating. However, with practice, your oral muscles will adapt, and these challenges will diminish.
  • Follow-Up Visits: Your dentist will schedule follow-up appointments to check your progress and make any necessary adjustments. As your gums and jawbone change over time, periodic adjustments might be needed.

FAQs About Dentures In Lakewood, Colorado

These are the most common questions we get about dentures in Lakewood, Colorado.

When are dentures needed?

Dentures are needed when natural teeth are lost due to factors like decay, gum disease, or injury. They restore oral functions, speech clarity, and facial appearance. Full dentures replace all teeth, while partial dentures address a few missing teeth.

How long do dentures last?

The lifespan of dentures varies, but they generally last around 5 to 10 years. Over time, changes in oral structure and wear can affect their fit and function, requiring adjustments or replacements for optimal comfort and performance.

Is getting fitted for dentures painful?

Getting fitted for dentures is not painful. The process involves making impressions and measurements of your mouth to create custom dentures. Some temporary discomfort or adjustment may occur as you adapt to wearing them, but it's not typically painful.

How do I care for dentures?

To care for dentures, remove and rinse them after eating, brush them daily with a denture brush and non-abrasive cleaner, soak them in a denture solution overnight, and maintain regular dental check-ups for adjustments and overall oral health.

Can I eat normally with dentures?

Yes, you can eat normally with dentures. Initially, start with softer foods and gradually reintroduce harder items as you adjust. Chewing may require practice, but dentures are designed to restore eating functionality and enjoyment.

Can dentures be repaired if they get damaged?

Yes, dentures can often be repaired if they get damaged. Minor repairs may include fixing cracks or reattaching a tooth. However, extensive damage might require replacement. Consult your dentist for proper assessment and repair options.

Learn More About Dentures In Lakewood, Colorado

or additional reading about dentures and restorative dentistry services, check out our restorative dentistry resources:

We’re Not Just Tooth Doctors.

We look at your whole health.

Welcome to Balanced Dental Studio, located in Lakewood, Colorado. Our dental practice embraces a holistic approach, prioritizing the overall health of our patients. As functional dentists, we go beyond the surface and delve into the root causes of dental issues, ensuring durable solutions.

While maintaining good oral hygiene through practices like brushing, flossing, mouthwash, and regular cleanings is crucial, they may not always address the underlying reasons for problems such as tooth decay, misaligned teeth, and bad breath. These issues can often be traced back to airway obstructions, overcrowding in the mouth, and narrow dental arches resulting from habits like mouth breathing and sleep-disordered breathing.

By focusing on functional dentistry, we aim to identify and resolve the core sources of dental problems, thereby preventing future issues and enhancing your overall quality of life. Our mission is to help you and your loved ones regain the confidence to smile, breathe effortlessly, and enjoy improved well-being. We offer comprehensive dental care for patients of all ages, ranging from preventive cleanings to advanced procedures.

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Please call 303.732.8909 or use the form to request to schedule an appointment. The Balanced Dental Studio Team will then call you to confirm a date and time.