Which Type of Dental Bridge Should I Get?

Crazy enough, almost two-thirds of adults in the United States have had a missing tooth by age 44. Whether it happens through an accident, tooth decay, or something else, missing teeth can leave you feeling self-conscious. Thankfully, a dental bridge can fill the gap, make it easier to chew, and give you the confidence you once had. Here are the different types of dental bridges available at your Lakewood dentist, and which one might be right for you.

What are dental bridges?

A bridge is a structure that covers a space between things. In the same way, a dental bridge is just that. A dental bridge is a structure that covers the area over a missing tooth (or teeth). It anchors to a tooth on either side to offer a solid structure and to restore your smile.

Dental bridges can be made up of different types of materials, including gold, special alloys, ceramics, zirconia, or porcelain. The best type for your mouth depends on where the bridge will go and any needs specific to you. Nowadays, we have the materials to make bridges look just like a normal tooth! 

When should you get a dental bridge in Lakewood, CO?

When you lose an adult tooth, it creates a space in the mouth. And if that space is left alone, the other teeth may shift into the empty space. Shifting teeth over time can cause a crooked smile, a misaligned jaw, or even problems with chewing and speaking. 

A dental bridge maintains the correct amount of space between the teeth, and also keeps a strong structure for proper jaw and bite alignment. Dental bridges are common in not only adults but also children and young adults who lose baby teeth too early. 

What are the different types of dental bridges?

The American Dental Association estimates that most adults are missing at least three teeth. It is possible you will need a bridge someday, so let’s take a look at the different types that are available.

  • Fixed or Traditional
    A fixed or traditional bridge consists of one or more artificial teeth held in place on either side using dental crowns on the adjacent teeth.This creates a permeate structure that is strong enough to replace molars.
  • Cantilever
    This type of bridge is only anchored on one side, and is used if there is more than one tooth missing. This is less stable due to the attachment on one side supporting the whole structure.
  • Maryland bridge
    This bridge is held in place with either a porcelain or metal arm or wings surrounding the artificial tooth, rather than a crown. This Is ideal for where teeth have not finished growing yet in an adolescent mouth.
  • Implant-supported bridge
    This bridge uses dental implants to support the bridge. You will typically need this type when you have several artificial teeth. The only drawback to this is that it requires additional surgery to secure the implants into the jawbone.

The best type of dental bridge for your mouth depends on your unique situation. Your Lakewood CO dentist will walk you through the options and recommend the optimal placement and type for you. 

Schedule An Appointment for a Dental Bridge in Lakewood, CO

If you have a missing tooth and would like a consultation to talk about your options, schedule an appointment with Dr. Elizabeth Turner in Lakewood, CO. 

Want to learn more about restorative dentistry in Lakewood, CO? Take a look at our restorative dentistry services. 


About the Author

Dr. Elizabeth Turner is a whole-health, family dentist in Lakewood, CO who provides general, restorative, and cosmetic dental care. She focuses on the mouth-body connection and helps her patients smile confidently, breathe clearer, and live healthier lives. 

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